Newzik OMR 2.5.1
Modifié le : Jeu, 5 Oct., 2023 à 7:15 H
Newzik OMR 2.5.1 was released on October 3, 2023. The following items have been changed or fixed:
- Refinement of staff line detection (most notably for warped images)
- Refinement of note height determination when a note head is out of the staff lines
- Improvement of system and structure indicators detection
- Improvement of network predictions for : numbers, tacets, dashed lines, stems, piano braces and beams (long beams, "french" beams, monorythmic beams)
- Voices are now interpreted with piano sounds
- Fixed an issue concerning untimely armature changes
- Fixed an issue concerning synchronization of the Livescore cursor with the MIDI output
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